What Happens To Your Body When You Walk Barefoot
Scientists Explain What Happens To Your Body When You Walk Barefoot
Were you the child that loved to run around barefoot? Did you laugh at that funny, cold, squishy feeling when you twisted and turned your toes in the mud? Did you love the feel of the soft dewiness of morning grass? If you smile inside at the memories of being barefoot as a kid, you probably still enjoy it to this day because of how freeing it feels.
For centuries, there have been stories about the benefits of walking “connected to the Earth” or “Earthing,” as it is now called. The idea is that the closer you are to the Earth, the more of Earth’s energy you could pick up through your feet.
Shed those shoes: Being barefoot benefits brain development and more!
“Children have been moving in sneakers for physical activity for so long we seem to have forgotten that feet do have sentient qualities. They can be used to grip the floor for strength and balance, and their different parts (toes, ball, sole, heel) can be more easily felt and used when bare. Furthermore, there is evidence indicating that going barefoot strengthens feet and improves body alignment. Young children feel a natural affinity for the ground that can be enhanced by removing all the barriers between it and the feet.”